Get Them out of Prison Beds and into Reetry
When our CorrectTech team meets with community corrections agencies across the country, we see an increasing number of criminal justice stakeholders looking at the efficiency and effectiveness of community corrections.
With the movement of all-but-the-highest-risk offenders away from prison beds, community corrections programs are receiving more clients and focus and, therefore, higher expectations.
There is an international effort to integrate a wide range of programming, interventions, education, and treatment. Gone are the days of “one size fits all” interventions. Case plans must be specific and individualized, all while demonstrating fidelity to evidence based practices (EBP) and state and federal mandates.
More than Cookie Cutter Treatment
While there are many exceptional automation systems centered on courts and jail processes, traditional case management systems (CMS) were not conceptualized with this type of client-centered treatment or EBP implementation and tracking.
Historically, community corrections has been under-utilized and underfunded. Unfortunately, standard operating procedure is often inefficient including a patchwork of an inadequate CMS, lots of spreadsheets, forms, and A LOT of paper files.
A large gap exists between the necessary automation tools and the mission to focus on clients’ individualized needs as they prepare to re-enter the community.
Better Outcomes
Evidence Based Practices’ mandate for better outcomes and thus measurements and common practices is driving agencies toward modernizing their systems– CorrectTech’s advanced features allow its customers to:
Provide comprehensive treatment and education dosages to address the assessed criminogenic needs identified by the risk instrument of choice
Provide a holistic view of clients’ needs to help them be successful in their transition using an integrated view of client behavior management
Involve multiple parties in the pathway to success for a client - all collaborating through seamless shared information
You Can't do it Alone
Whether an agency needs only our foundational features, or all 25 modules, it gets the same 100% paperless and fully digital record of all agency operations and client interactions.
The agencies we work with step-up significantly in their ability to integrate operations, increase collaboration, and evaluate programs in real time for ongoing organizational improvement and quality.
CorrectTech enables corrections agencies to help clients across all dimensions of their lives – accountability and responsibility, employment, relationships, housing, education, cognitive skills, mental health, medical, and more.
Agency frontline staff is overwhelmed with this work without a fully integrated automation system that is designed with their needs in mind.
From integrated case management and treatment services to a highly intuitive incentives and rewards system, every aspect of CorrectTech is made for corrections staff and clients.
CorrectTech is the affordable, adaptable, and powerful automation platform designed for corrections agencies to turn toward what matters most: people.
To request more information or schedule an online demonstration of our community corrections software, click here. We offer integrated software and support services for probation/parole, residential and reentry programs. Our Program Foundation Platform and 24 robust modules were designed by community corrections professionals to guide organizations toward a powerful EBP implementation, relieve them of strenuous paperwork and manual processes, and enable them to focus on what matters - people!