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Trust Is Like Air
I do not personally know most of you, but I’d like to take a stab at your latest marching orders from above. Does it sound something like this? Implement EBP now!
Pretty simple right? Use the NIC model (or stay tuned for the release of CorrectTech’s revised model soon) and implement the stated principles ASAP. It can’t be that difficult, right? Community Corrections has been talking about evidence based practices for decades now. Time to walk the talk! It will improve outcomes, public safety, communities and budgets. It is a win-win-win.
Are We Losing Credibility?
If this has not been your marching order yet, it will be soon. Day 1 will include googling something like “community corrections EBP implementation”. You will find a variety of states and programs that speak eloquently about the value of EBP, but have not been able or willing to actually take the leap. You will find other states that have demonstrated significant progress in the implementation journey. Still other states or agencies have tried desperately for years, with sincere intentions and ample resources, only to be met with lack of results that meet up with the promise. No wonder it is not uncommon to hear an old school criminal justice professional refer to EBP evangelism as “drinking The Kool Aid” or the “Latest Snake Oil”.
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