CorrectTech Community Corrections Blog

To Be or Not to Be: Framing Offender Motivation

Posted by Evan C. Crist, Psy.D. on 12/30/14 10:35 AM

This is the 4th of a 12 part series on Evidence Based Principles.  Subscribe to our blog and get the series delivered right to your inbox.

Principle 2: Enhance Intrinsic Motivation 

Which of the two statements feels more inspiring to you? 

  • I have a good relationship with my son again 
  • I haven’t been incarcerated for six months

It is critical to understand that there are two different types of motivation. Most offenders come to us motivated to “stay out of prison” or “not use drugs.” While both are admirable goals, it is vital to help the client tap into what they are motivated FOR. There is a significant difference between being motivated to say “no” to something and being motivated to say “yes” to something. In general, motivation to achieve something (e.g., be a better parent) is stronger than motivation to avoid something (e.g., stop using drugs). After all, getting up every day to work toward something is much more inspiring than getting up with the hope of avoiding something. Help the client define WHO THEY ARE vs. WHO THEY ARE NOT. 

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Topics: Community Corrections, Evidence Based Practices, principles

Community Corrections Interventions Must Begin with Assessment

Posted by Evan C. Crist, Psy.D. on 12/23/14 2:10 PM

This is the 3rd of a 12 part series on Evidence Based Principles.  Subscribe to our blog and get the series delivered right to your inbox.  

Principle 1b: Assess Actuarial Risk/Need and Responsivity

What exactly is “actuarial” anyway? “Actuarial” refers to a set of statistics that calculate probabilities of a specific event. The reason probability statistics are emphasized is because human judgment regarding the risk of future crime is typically quite bad, in part because emotions and other biases (see our Risk Principle-Simplified for a more detailed discussion) get in the way. Many authors have done an admirable job of describing the Risk, Need, and Responsivity (RNR) principles. Perhaps it is due to our industry’s creative words (e.g.,“criminogenic” means crime-creating), but our experience is that trainees struggle to truly understand the concepts and have an even tougher time applying it to their daily operations and worldview.

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Topics: Community Corrections, Evidence Based Practices

EBP: Building the Therapeutic Relationship

Posted by Evan C. Crist, Psy.D. on 12/10/14 11:15 AM

This is the 2nd of a 12 part series on Evidence Based Principles.  Subscribe to our blog and get the series delivered right to your inbox.  

Principle 1a: Build the Therapeutic Relationship

The change process is a journey. It has its ups and downs and often feels scary and out of control. It is always easier to approach the unknown with a partner, particularly a partner who has been there before. Most offenders have a long history of failure and are well acquainted with betrayal. Their first question is, “Can I trust this person?” Answering this question can, for some, be a time-consuming process. When you have a long history of hurt, it is wise to be hesitant to trust again. 

“Is this person going to listen to me or just tell me what to do?” “Do they really care about me or are they just going through the motions?” “If I decide to take this leap and start this journey with them, will they be a reliable and supportive partner along the way?” While there is likely to be some testing of the relationship and commitment, no real progress starts until these questions have been answered. One of the reasons that Motivational Interviewing (MI) is so popular with this population is that, done well, MI quickly creates an environment and relationship that allows the client to answer these questions quickly and affirmatively. 

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Topics: Community Corrections, Evidence Based Practices, Practices

An Introduction to Evidence Based Principles (EBP)

Posted by Evan C. Crist, Psy.D. on 12/4/14 12:37 PM

This is the 1st of a 12 part series on Evidence Based PrinciplesSubscribe to our blog and get the blog delivered right to your inbox. 


With all of the emphasis on Evidence Based Principles (EBP), it seems worthwhile to define the various elements involved. What exactly is EBP?

Defining EBP

Evidence: that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief, proof.   

In other words, it is no longer acceptable to just “wing it” and base offender interventions on “my personal experience” or “what seems to make the most sense.” Fortunately, there is a growing group of EBP experts who publish findings and explanations on a regular basis. The amount of proof is growing!

Based: a fundamental principle or groundwork; foundation; basis.

When proven interventions (i.e., evidence) are part of the foundation of a treatment program, it's impossible to identify where treatment begins and where it ends. Treatment is not an event or even a series of events. Treatment is fundamental. Every activity, every decision and every moment are part of the treatment process.

Principle: a basis of conduct or management.

Large segments of community corrections have long endorsed the ideas of EBP. It all makes sense, and as it gains political momentum, it is making more and more sense. Learning the language of EBP is important, unfortunately, that is where many agencies stop. They have maintained their current practices but now use EBP language to refer to various components. t does not work that way! Ultimately, EBP is not just about believing, using lingo, or preaching. The idea is one of a guiding principle of conduct, not belief.

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Topics: Community Corrections, Evidence Based Practices, Practices

The 5Ps of Community Corrections: Practices

Posted by Evan C. Crist, Psy.D. on 10/28/14 7:00 AM

World Class Execution

As I write this blog, I am watching the Denver Broncos vs. the San Francisco 49ers on Sunday Night Football. It could be a record setting game for Peyton Manning. If he throws at least three touchdown passes, he will set a new NFL record for most touchdowns passes in a career. Brett Favre currently holds the record with 508 TD passes.

Watching a team execute a game plan is fascinating. While the players have to practice (i.e., perform) what they are instructed, hundreds of hours of preparation go into the game plan. It is not unusual for an NFL coach to sleep in the office during the football season. They work extraordinary hours reviewing film, creating plays, and developing an overall strategy. With unmatched intensity, passion, and attention to details, coaches control everything except the actual execution of the game plan.

One Thing Leads to Another

Let’s review a bit. Your Purpose leads to the Principles of emphasis. The Principles give birth to the Policies. Procedures are not developed or created as much as revealed. 

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Topics: Community Corrections, Evidence Based Practices, Practices

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